[媒體訪問] New Entrant Lioner International Intent on Delivering a One-Stop Wealth Management Shop for Greater China Clients
"Nowadays, clients' needs are complex, and our vision is to establish a one-stop shop that can answer those expectations on a one-stop basis, targeting particular the HNW clientele in Asia, and especially Greater China.”
Tony Chan, partner of Lioner, recently had an interview with Hubbis and shared his views about the great potential ahead in the HNW markets.
[市場分析] Family business succession planning face challenges in rapidly changing environment
Lioner Executive Series: Lioner Executive Series: Family businesses have always been a driver of the global economy, accounting for around 90% of all businesses. However, its succession planning is facing strenuous challenges due to the unprecedented Covid situation. Read more from our Partner Andrew Chan on why Asian family businesses should diversify their portfolio to sustain their legacy and wealth.
[新聞稿] Lioner 任命另一位業內頂尖資深人為公司合夥人 以豐富財富規劃經驗 強化「三合一」綜合方案
Lioner International Group Ltd. 正式宣布任命陳東源先生(Andrew Chan)為 Lioner的合夥人,即日起生效。Andrew是一位業內資深人士,曾在國際性私人銀行、保險經紀和會計企業擔任重要職位,擁有超過 20年的豐富財富規劃經驗。他的加盟將進一步增強公司別具前瞻性的「三合一」財富管理方案,並加強 Lioner 為全球高淨值客戶、家庭和企業提供服務的能力。